† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2017YFA0303700 and 2018YFA0307500) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61605154, 11604256, and 11804267).
We report the experimental results of hybrid four-wave mixing and fluorescence signals from nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. The fluorescence signals are slowed owing to dark state. The observed delay time of light slowing due to interconversion between NV− and NV0 is about 6.4 μs. The relative intensities of read-out signals change with the wavelength and power of writing pulse. Based on light slowing, we present the model of all-optical time division multiplexing. The intensity ratio in different demultiplexed channels is modulated by the wavelength and power of control field. It has potential applications in quantum communication and all-optical network.
Many applications in quantum communication and quantum computation require long coherence time in room temperature. Recently, quantum coherence effects in nitrogen-vacancy center (NV center) have drawn much attention because of its prominent spin properties of solid in room temperature. The electron spin of NV− center has a long coherence time up to 1.8 ms.[1,2] The decay of excited triplet states 3E through metastable singlet states via intersystem crossing (ISC)[3,4] could prepare population onto ms = 0 state and thus lead to spin polarization.[5] A long-living dark state was observed,[6] which has been suggested to be the neutral NV0.[7] It was shown that optical excitation can induce interconversions between NV− and NV0.[8,9] These advances on NV center research have enabled numerous applications including optical switching,[8] quantum register,[10] quantum sensor,[11,13] routing and single-photon device.[14] In quantum information and all-optical network, it is necessary to have devices such as quantum repeater and all-optical routing, where optical information can be transferred and distributed among different channels.[15]
Former studies on light emissions from NV center focus on the linear spectra. Nonlinear spectra of NV center, especially spectra in time domain has been reported very seldom till now. In this paper, we perform time domain measurements of spontaneous four-wave mixing (SFWM) and multi-order fluorescence (FL) obtained from NV centers. It is shown that fluorescence can be slowed owing to dark state. We also observed damped Rabi oscillations of SFWM signals. We modified the intensity rate of signal in different channels by varying the power and frequency of incident laser pulses. Based on light slowing due to interconversion between two charge states NV− and NV0, we present the model of all-optical time division multiplexing. The approach of optical data storage by conversion of charge states has been reported in rare-earth ion recently.[16] This approach has high conversion efficiency and low read-out power. Moreover, it has the potential to be extented to two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) memory.
The sample used in our experiment is a 〈 100 〉 oriented single crystal diamond and contains less than 5-ppb nitrogen concentration. Figure
In our experiment, the FL signal is generated accompanying the SFWM process. Figure
We consider the optical transition between spin-triplet ground states 3A2 and excited states 3E with resonant excitation. In the two-level system | 0〉 (3 A2, ms = 0) → | 1 〉 (3 E, ms = 0) with one control field E1 switched on, the second-order fluorescence signal is generated through the perturbation chain
For SFWM process the perturbation chains can be described as
First, we focus on the SFWM signals of peak A. Figure

Next, we discuss delayed FL signals. For peak B, FL signals are from transitions between 3E manifold to 3A2 manifold. There are two possible transition pathways | ms = 0 〉 → |ms = 0〉 and |ms = ± 1 〉 → |ms = ± 1〉 for spin-conserving optical transitions. Considering the interaction of electron with phonon in the diamond lattice, a spin-dependent nonradiative transition into a metastable state, the so-called intersystem crossing (ISC), will modulate the FL lifetimes of two transition pathways. The spin states of 3E show different ISC rate into the spin-singlet state 1A1.[3,4] Electrons in ms = ± 1 have significant chance to decay to spin-singlet state, while the ISC rate of ms = 0 has been established to be negligible when compared with ms = ± 1 states. Thus, the decoherence rate of ms = ± 1 should add an additional nonradiative item ΓISC. At room temperature, considering the spin mixing processes, the averaged ISC rate for all 3E states with ms = ± 1 can be written as follows:[3,4]

![]() | Fig. 3. (a) Peaks A and B pumped under different laser wavelengths. (b) Peak C pumped under different laser wavelengths. |
At peak C, there is a long rise time before the signal reaches maxima, which origins from the accumulation of excited population. After that the signal shows typical exponential decay. A long-living dark state was reported in NV center,[6] and it has now been suggested to be NV0.[7] We attribute the significantly delayed peak C to ionization and recombination processes between NV− and NV0. Photo-ionization from NV− to NV0 can occur through two-photon absorption followed by an Auger process when the excitation wavelength is longer than 575 nm.[8,9] One photon excites an electron from the energy level 3A2 to 3E of NV−. If the second photon is captured before the radiative recombination from excited state 3E, the excited electron can be detached from defect to the conduction band of the diamond, and leading NV− converting to NV0. On the other hand, the recombination process from NV0 back to NV− can also be induced by two-photon absorption. One photon excites an electron to the excited state of NV0, the second photon excites an electron from valence band into the gap and be acquired by NV0, which converts NV0 back to NV−. Such a conversion between NV− to dark state NV0 induces obvious slowing of FL peak C. Figure
Based on the relative time delay of hybrid signals, we present a model of all-optical time division multiplexing or routing. As shown in Fig.
In order to modulate signals among three demultiplexed channels, we observe the relative intensity ratio of read-out signals in three channels by changing laser power of control field E1, while the read-out power of E2 keeps 8 mW. Figures
In summary, we measured the hybrid signal including SFWM and second-order FL from NV centers. Two FL peaks show different delay times to SFWM signal. It is attributed to ionization–recombination process between two charge states and spin polarization from metastable state, respectively. The time delay of light slowing due to interconversion between NV− and NV0 is about 6.4 μs. The delay time excited by 637-nm single pulse is shorter than that excited by 637-nm + 575-nm writing and reading pulses. The intensity of read-out signal is determined by the wavelength of writing pulse. The larger intensity of read-out signal can be obtained when 637-nm and 575-nm laser beams are used as writing and reading pulses, respectively. We also investigated delayed signals at different powers of writing pulse. The relative intensity ratio between SFWM and read-out FL signal shows obvious dependence on the power of writing pulse. The relative intensity ratio of peak C/A increases significantly with the power of writing pulse. The delay time increases slightly with power. Based on two delayed read-out signals, we present a model of all-optical time division multiplexing. The intensity ratio of different channels has been modulated by frequency and power of control field. This controllable system combining the behaviors of optical storage and all-optical time division multiplexing has potential applications in all-optical communication and quantum computation.
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